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Orthodontic Braces

What are orthodontic braces?

Orthodontic braces, commonly known as braces, are dental devices used by orthodontists to correct the alignment and positioning of teeth. Orthodontic braces can effectively correct a wide range of dental issues, including:
  • Crooked or misaligned teeth
  • Overcrowding of teeth
  • Spaces or gaps between teeth
  • Overbites and underbites
  • Crossbites
  • Open bites
  • Overlapping or rotated teeth


The duration of braces treatment varies from person to person, but it typically lasts for several months to a few years, depending on the severity of the dental problem and the individual’s response to the treatment.

Types of Braces

There are broadly three types of orthodontic braces: Lingual Braces, Metal Braces, and Ceramic Braces. Dr. Renu Dental Clinic has the right teeth-straightening option for you.

1. Metal braces

Metal Braces offer a clear price advantage. They produce the most versatile, durable, and impressive results when it comes to orthodontic treatments. The metal braces are easy to maintain and affordable. For these reasons, more and more people are choosing them over other types of orthodontic treatments.

Looking for affordable braces? Consider Metal Braces.

Metal braces produce the most versatile, durable, and impressive results when it comes to orthodontic treatments. The most vital benefit that comes with metal braces is the clear price advantage they offer in comparison to alternative orthodontic treatments. The affordable metal materials are durable and do not require replacement once they are installed in the mouth.

The advantages of metal braces over alternative types of brace options are still more beneficial for many patients.

  • Strong materials achieve successful results faster.
  • Only one installation is required.
  • durable material with no need for replacement.
  • The most affordable orthodontic treatment option is
  • can treat all types of misalignments or spacing issues.

Metal braces are an orthodontic choice that is more cost-effective, gains quicker results, and is great for younger patients or people on the go. They don’t require being removed and replaced throughout the day.

2. Ceramic Braces

A smile is one of the most important things in life. At Dr. Renu Dental Clinic, you'll get the perfect smile you deserve. Let's talk about ceramic braces today. They are an orthodontic option for children and adults to correct dental misalignments. Get the perfect smile you deserve!

Looking for clear braces? Consider ceramic braces.

Clear braces, or ceramic braces, are orthodontic options for children and adults to correct dental misalignments. Get the perfect smile you deserve with clear braces at Dr. Renu Dental Clinic, Jaipur.

Your ceramic bonding is a transparent material through which your teeth are perfectly visible while the braces are on. The durable metal wire used with these braces is very thin and can only be seen from close proximity. Clear ceramic braces have many advantages that will help you get the perfect straight smile without compromising your appearance.

  • Clear ceramic braces are less visible than metal braces.
  • It is less expensive than invisible aligners.
  • It requires only one installation.
  • can achieve successful results quicker than invisible braces.
  • More severe misalignments and gaps can be treated.

For many reasons, clear braces are a wonderful alternative to traditional metal braces. They are far less conspicuous and provide some way for patients to correct their teeth more discreetly. Clear braces are less expensive than invisible aligners.

3. Lingual braces

You deserve to have straight teeth, but you don't have to sacrifice your appearance to get them. With lingual braces, you can have both since they are conveniently hidden behind your teeth. Besides being virtually invisible, lingual braces are just as efficient as other options when it comes to complex misalignments, including correcting rotations and closing gaps due to extractions. You'll be able to smile with confidence.

What should you know about lingual braces?

The most important advantage that several patients realise with lingual braces is the ability to be more discreet once they have corrected their teeth. For adults, particularly, wearing large metal braces for years isn’t the perfect choice in social or professional life. Lingual braces are hidden behind the teeth. They have all the same benefits as metal braces, but they aren’t as obvious.

Lingual braces are efficient options to treat complex misalignments, including rotation corrections and closing gaps in teeth due to extractions. Any discoloration or white spots due to wearing braces will be on the inside of the teeth instead of the outside, like with traditional metal or ceramic braces.

Lingual braces could create some problems for patients with extreme or deep malocclusions. Some people have trouble speaking with lingual braces, especially when they are still getting used to them after they are put on.

Dos and don'ts while wearing braces

Wearing braces requires some adjustments to your daily habits and oral hygiene routine to ensure the treatment progresses smoothly and your teeth remain healthy.


  • Brush your teeth after every meal: Regular brushing helps to prevent food particles from getting trapped in the braces and causing plaque buildup. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste.
  • Floss daily: Flossing with braces can be a bit more challenging, but it's crucial to remove debris and plaque between teeth and around the braces. Use floss threaders or orthodontic floss to make the process easier.
  • Use interdental brushes: These small brushes can help clean between the brackets and wires, where regular toothbrushes might not reach.
  • Attend regular orthodontic appointments: These visits are crucial for monitoring progress and making necessary adjustments to your braces.
  • Eat a braces-friendly diet: Stick to soft, easy-to-chew foods to avoid damaging your braces. Foods like yoghurt, mashed potatoes, soft fruits, pasta, and cooked vegetables are good options.
  • Protect your braces during physical activities: If you play sports or engage in any activity with potential impact, wear a mouthguard to protect your braces and teeth from injuries.
  • Use orthodontic wax: If your braces cause any irritation or sores in your mouth, apply orthodontic wax to the brackets or wires to create a protective barrier.


  • Avoid sticky and hard foods: Foods like chewing gum, hard candies, popcorn, ice, and nuts can damage your braces and prolong your treatment.
  • Don't chew on objects: Avoid habits like chewing on pens, pencils, or fingernails, as they can harm your braces and lead to broken brackets or wires.
  • Say no to sugary and acidic drinks: Carbonated drinks, sports drinks, and sugary beverages can contribute to tooth decay and enamel erosion, so it's best to limit their consumption.
  • Avoid biting into hard items: Do not bite directly into apples, corn on the cob, or other hard foods. Instead, cut them into smaller, more manageable pieces.
  • Skip chewing on ice: Chewing ice can damage your braces and weaken your teeth.
  • Don't neglect oral hygiene: Proper dental care is crucial during orthodontic treatment. Neglecting oral hygiene can lead to gum problems, cavities, and staining around the braces.


By following these dos and don'ts and maintaining good oral hygiene, you can ensure a successful orthodontic treatment and achieve a beautiful, healthy smile with your braces.


At what age should I consider getting braces?

Orthodontic treatment, including braces, is not limited to a specific age group, and it can be beneficial for children, teenagers, and adults alike.

  • Children and Adolescents: Many orthodontic issues, such as overcrowding, misalignment, and bite problems, begin to manifest during childhood and adolescence when the permanent teeth are erupting. Orthodontic evaluation is typically recommended by the age of 7, even if braces might not be needed immediately. Early evaluation allows the orthodontist to identify any potential problems and plan for appropriate treatment when the time is right.


  • Teenagers: The teenage years are a common time for orthodontic treatment, including braces. This is because most of the permanent teeth have erupted, and the jawbone is still growing, making it an optimal time to address alignment and bite issues. Teenagers tend to adapt well to braces and often find it easier to follow the required oral hygiene routines.


  • Adults: It's never too late to consider orthodontic treatment, and many adults choose to get braces to address long-standing dental issues or to improve their smiles. Adult orthodontic treatment can be successful, but it may take longer than treatment in younger patients as the jawbone has stopped growing.


Remember, early detection and intervention can often lead to more straightforward and effective orthodontic treatments, so it's a good idea to have your teeth evaluated by an orthodontist at an early age, even if braces are not immediately needed.

cost of braces in Jaipur

Orthodontic treatment, including braces, is not limited to a specific age group, and it can be beneficial for children, teenagers, and adults alike.

  • The cost of braces in Jaipur, like any other location, can vary depending on several factors, including the type of braces, the complexity of your dental issues, additional procedures you might require.


  • In Jaipur, the cost of traditional metal braces typically ranges from INR 35,000 to INR 45,000 for a full treatment course.

Frequently asked questions about braces

Q 1: What are orthodontic braces, and what do they do?

Orthodontic braces are dental devices used to correct misaligned teeth and jaw problems. They consist of brackets, archwires, and elastics that apply gentle pressure to move teeth into their proper positions over time.

Q 2: At what age should I consider getting braces?

Braces can be used at almost any age, but the ideal time for orthodontic treatment is during adolescence, when the jaw is still developing. However, orthodontic treatment can be effective for adults as well.

Q 3: How long do I need to wear braces?

The duration of orthodontic treatment varies depending on the severity of the dental issue and the individual's response to treatment. On average, braces are worn for 1 to 2 years.

Q 4: Are braces painful?

Braces may cause some discomfort or soreness, especially after adjustments. However, the pain is usually mild and can be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers and orthodontic wax to alleviate any irritation.

Q 5: How often do I need to visit the orthodontist for adjustments?

Orthodontic adjustments typically occur every 4 to 8 weeks.

Q 6: Can I still play sports or musical instruments with braces?

Yes, you can still participate in sports and play musical instruments while wearing braces. However, it's essential to wear a mouthguard during physical activities to protect your braces and teeth from potential injuries.

Q 7: What foods should I avoid with braces?

Sticky and hard foods should be avoided as they can damage braces and delay treatment progress. Foods like chewing gum, hard candies, popcorn, and tough meat should be avoided.

Q 8: How do I keep my braces clean?

Regular dental hygiene is crucial during orthodontic treatment. Brush your teeth after every meal, floss daily, and use interdental brushes to clean around the braces and wires.

Q 9: Will braces affect my speech?

At the beginning of treatment, some individuals may experience slight changes in their speech. However, most people adapt quickly, and any speech impediments usually resolve within a few days or weeks.

Q 10: Can I still get braces if I have dental issues like cavities or gum problems?

Before getting braces, it's essential to address any existing dental issues.
